Seasoned television personality Lee-Roy Wright is thrilled to announce his highly-anticipated return to television as the new host of’s popular breakfast show ‘The Morning Show’. This marks a significant homecoming for Lee-Roy, who first captivated audiences on the channel as the host of the popular kids’ block ‘Craz-e’ between 2008 and 2015.
‘The Morning Show’, airing daily from 06:00 to 08:30 on, provides viewers with everything they need to start their day right. From hard-hitting news and informed opinions to lifestyle features and the latest results from your favourite sports teams, ‘The Morning Show’ is your go-to source for morning entertainment and information.
Lee-Roy expressed his excitement about rejoining the family saying “Returning to the channel that really cemented my television career feels like a coming home moment for me. I’m incredibly excited to bring a fresh energy to The Morning Show and connect with viewers each morning. This opportunity is a full-circle moment for me, and I can’t wait to embark on this new journey with”
‘The Morning Show’ producer, Faffa Nel shared his excitement around Lee-Roy joining the show’s presenter slate. “Watching Lee-Roy do his screen test, it was clear he effortlessly tapped into the skills he honed over the years as a young presenter. His natural ability to make both guests and viewers at home feel welcome and comfortable is remarkable,” he says. “Lee-Roy adds his own unique flair to the show and brings a wonderful layer of diversity to our team, making him an invaluable addition to The Morning Show.”
With his charismatic presence and extensive experience in the television industry, Lee-Roy is set to infuse The Morning Show with a dynamic and engaging atmosphere. His return is anticipated to be a delightful treat for long-time fans and new viewers alike.
Lee-Roy will be making his debut on ‘The Morning Show’ on Wednesday 10 July. The breakfast show airs every weekday from 6 to 8:30 am on and continues to give viewers their daily dose of news, lifestyle, and entertainment.